
Ep 24: Is Dating Easier with a Wingman?

So you're sick and tired of the dating apps and you want to go back to trying your luck with IRL - In Real Life. You're hitting bar after club after bar - and soon realize you just don't have the guts every weekend to hit up the cute guy or girl on your own. This is where the wingman (or wing woman) comes in! They have NO problem going up to someone as long as they're "asking for a friend." In this episode, Daniel and Jinah talk to Hunter Werner (@hunterwoty), who created a whole movement around dating with a wingman in tow. The founder of WingmanOfTheYear.com, Hunter started a dating show and a digital media brand based on the Wingman culture. He dishes about setting his friends up, the problem with guys (and girls) and - of course - why dating apps are sooooo bad.


Ep. 23: Dating While Socially Anxious and Introverted