Episode 23: Dating While Socially Anxious and Introverted
In this episode, we talked to relationship expert Cain Parrish. Cain used to be shy and quiet, but now he’s confident and outgoing. He shared his journey of self-improvement and how it helped him with dating.
Dating can be tough, especially if you’re shy or introverted. Dating apps can be overwhelming, and first dates can be nerve-wracking. Cain talked about his own experiences and how he overcame these challenges. He even shared some funny stories about his early dating days, like the time he spent a lot of money and time taking the perfect profile pictures.
Cain said, “Typically speaking, there isn’t a ton of space for most people to represent the quirks of themselves on a dating app.” This can make it hard to stand out from the crowd.
But Cain worked hard to become more confident. He tried new things, like using different dating apps and talking to strangers. He even started wearing bolder clothes. These small steps helped him to grow and become more comfortable with himself.
Cain said, “Until you have the confidence, all you got to do is fake it until you make it.” He asked himself important questions like, “Do I need to learn how to talk to people? Do I need to be better at flirting? Do I need to develop a sense of humor?” These questions helped him figure out what he needed to work on.
He also said, “You have to understand the process and get better at it…you have to become a great marketer and then you have to become a great conversationalist.” This means you need to know how to present yourself well online and how to have good conversations in person.
One simple tip Cain gave was to “Take 3 to 5 new photos of yourself” and make sure you look your best. “If you’ve got bad breath that’s going to shoot you in the foot before you ever get to any of the more advanced elements,” he said.
One of the most important things Cain talked about is self-awareness. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses can help you improve your dating life. He also emphasized the importance of being genuine and authentic.
Cain believes that dating apps aren’t hopeless. “It’s a matter of intention and a matter of having a goal,” he said. Once you know what you want, it gets easier to find it.